One of the best weeks of the year happens in the summer when we load up and go to Youth Camp together!
This year’s camp will look a little different than usual. This year we are attending Super Summer, which is a camp centered around helping Christ followers know and share the gospel. It is a camp designed to help students learn how to take their already existing faith and share it with those around them. Super Summer is an extremely fun and engaging week, but it is also heavily Bible study oriented, and it follows a disciplined schedule.
Step 1: Complete and submit this form
Step 2: Complete the registration with Super Summer when you receive their email.
Registration is not complete until done through the Super Summer Registration website. Registrations must be completed by the listed dates to receive that camp price.
Early - $349 – Deadline March 6th
Regular - $399 – Deadline April 24th
Late - $449 – After April 24th